Category: Exhibitions
Chatting with Horacio Silva
Just ten days after I was discharged from hospital this was just what the doctored ordered. An evening with a room full of colleagues who could not have been more generous and warm in their response to my work and the stories that Horacio prompted.
Book Signing Joy
Mainly in an attempt to lift my spirits my son Ludwig hurriedly planned two signing days at Milk immediately on my discharge from St Vincent’s hospital where I had spent a week being treated for a stroke.
The Opening I Missed
Not only did I miss the friends and family opening on September 19th, the day of my stroke, I also missed the sponsor’s party on September 24th, my second last day in hospital.
150 Years of Nude Photography
The City Museum in Munich, until September 16 2009, have a show titled Nude Visions: 150 years of nude photography.