Playboy – August 1963

A fan has just sent me this scan from an editorial shot by Sam for Playboys August 1963 edition. I don’t have this issue in the estate archive but I immediately sourced a copy on eBay which is on its way to me. The shoot is dedicated to Gill, the star of Five Girls (1962).

US Playboy 1963 08 p59 Gill by Sam Haskins DxO

The cover, a photograph of Nancy Perry by Stan Malinowski, is reproduced below. What confident fun they had with covers in those days.

Playboy 1963 cover

After seeing Gill in a dummy of ‘Five Girls’, presented at the Playboy offices in 1962, they tried to get an exclusive on a book dedicated to Gill, a proposal which Alida turned down. Which didn’t stop them from asking her to wait outside for a while while they ‘shared’ the book with colleagues. Ten minutes later a photographer arrived at the door, out of breath and burdened by kit saying “where is the book that I have to copy”?