A fan has just sent me this scan from an editorial shot by Sam for Playboys August 1963 edition. I don’t have this issue in the estate archive but I immediately sourced a copy on eBay which is on its way to me. The shoot is dedicated to Gill, the star of Five Girls (1962).
The cover, a photograph of Nancy Perry by Stan Malinowski, is reproduced below. What confident fun they had with covers in those days.
After seeing Gill in a dummy of ‘Five Girls’, presented at the Playboy offices in 1962, they tried to get an exclusive on a book dedicated to Gill, a proposal which Alida turned down. Which didn’t stop them from asking her to wait outside for a while while they ‘shared’ the book with colleagues. Ten minutes later a photographer arrived at the door, out of breath and burdened by kit saying “where is the book that I have to copy”?